Jak zbudować WordPressowy formularz kontaktu z obsługą załączników – mój tutorial (na razie tylko po angielsku) – http://bit.ly/NBEVc :)

Czytaj więcej:
  1. sarah 1

    i installed your contact plug in and i love it! one question: i want to use two different forms on my site, one for submitting photos and one seperate just for email.

    how do i do this?


  2. pauro 2

    – can this plugin set to send email to post author?
    – how to use this mailform directly to single.php file instead of using shortcode?
    – for safety reason, can we use captca/recapcha?

    appreciate your works very much, thanks for sharing

  3. Excellent tutorial – thanks for sharing.

  4. Sam 4

    Absolutely fantastic!

    Your tuto gives me a great understanding of plugin process in wp. I was blocked with header url problem in my own form.

    Your tuto is very well explain.

    I`ll try it right now!

  5. Vanand 5

    nice tutorial, I’ve tried to use it…..IT WORS!:)

  6. hey thanks for this great code, it work brilliant.

    i have managed to add this to a theme i am working on right now so it is intergrated.

    only problem is when wordpress is set to debug i get some errors, some of which i have figured out.

    it comes up with alot of undefined variables etc.

    i sorted out the first two which were to do with the email and name cookies, i just changed the variable to = your name, tyour email. and the errors go.

    however there are still two issues i dont know how to fix.

    Notice: Undefined index: contact_form_success in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wp-content/themes/ext103wp3.7/functions/contact.php on line 8

    Notice: Undefined variable: contact_form_success in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wp-content/themes/ext103wp3.7/functions/contact.php on line 38

    any ideas?

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